Monday, July 13, 2009

Cellulite Diet - A Diet To Get Rid Of Cellulite Fast

Looking for a cellulite diet?

If you want to get rid of cellulite, then it you will have to learn to master the cellulite diet.

In this article I will lay out the information that you will need to successfully start to get rid of cellulite with your diet... not cellulite surgery and not cellulite pills either.

Getting Rid Of Cellulite Starts With Your Diet

You can totally mess up your chance of ever getting rid of cellulite if you don't follow these simple rules of the cellulite diet.

Cellulite Diet Rule #1

In order to get rid of cellulite you must create a consistent daily calorie deficit.

This is the first rule. If you don't create a calorie deficit you will gain weight and size.

Cellulite Diet Rule #2

In order to get rid of cellulite you will have to increase your lean muscle mass which means eating enough protein in your diet.

The main point of the cellulite diet is to aide you in burning fat. In order to do that you need to eat enough protein so that you can increase in lean muscle mass so that you increase metabolism, burn fat and get rid of cellulite.

Lean muscle mass is the BIGGEST factor in increasing your metabolism. And increasing your metabolism is the biggest factor in burning more calories (or fat) everyday.

The only way to increase your lean muscle mass is through exercise, but it has to be supported with your diet or you won't gain any lean muscle. It doesn't matter how many of the best exercises for cellulite that you do if you don't eat the enough protein to support lean muscle growth or maintenance.

Cellulite Diet Rule #3


If you want to see results you need to be able to string together a few days of meeting your daily nutrition goals. If you do this consistently then you will have success.

Cellulite Diet Rule #4

Cheat day. I don't really like calling it a cheat day, but it is. You need one day a every 8 days where you get to cheat a little. Have your favorite indulgences (cakes, ice cream, wine, margaritas, nachos, sour cream, or whatever).

Should you still keep an eye on your calorie intake. Slightly, but not totally. Don't eat a whole cake, have a big piece though. Don't eat 5 Sniker Bars, have 1 king size. Don't drink 9 beers, but you can have 5 or 6.

You get the idea, have a blast, eat what every you want, but don't totally ruin it. Go over your calories slightly, account for that in those during the week.

Have one good meal like breakfast, skip a snack, have a short workout, then go crazy for lunch and dinner. lol. Try to stay within at least 1,000 calories of your max cals for the day. This will ultimately help you to burn more fat.

It announces to your body that it's not in a starvation mode from the stricter dieting you've been doing for the past 6 or 7 days.

Getting rid of cellulite can be fun and is extremely rewarding. It just takes the right knowledge and then taking action one day at a time.

If you enjoyed this article about cellulite diets then you think this blog about how to get rid of cellulite it's totally rad.

Talk to ya later.

Getting Rid Of Cellulite - How To Set Cellulite Goals

If you want to get rid of cellulite fast it starts with setting goals that will help you achieve just that.

If you don't know where you are and exactly where you want to go you will not find success at getting rid of cellulite.

This step may seem a bit tedious or of no importance, but I assure you that if you ever want to reach your goal then you will not want to skip this step.

Cellulite goal setting starts with knowing where you are, exactly where you want to be ultimately, and includes the little steps that you have to take to get to your ultimate goal.

It's a motivating, action tracking, statement or set of statements that says "this is want I want". It's a statement that is written down and read every day.

Where are you?

The first step in getting rid of cellulite is know where you are. What is your body fat percentage and what is that in pounds.

Where Do You Want To Be?

This is the ultimate body fat goal you have. This is how much fat (cellulite) in pounds that you want to lose and by when.

Daily and Weekly Goals

You want to set daily and weekly goals. Daily goals help to keep you on track. Weekly goals are great for tracking and measuring results. It's just enough time away that you can see drastic changes and just close enough that it helps you to stay on track and stay focused.

Realistic Cellulite Eliminating Goals

You can realistically get rid of 2-4 pounds of cellulite every week or 7 days. If you have a body fat percentage over 27% and weight at least 40 pounds "over weight" then you can reach 4-7 pounds of cellulite loss a week...

...but 2-4 pounds every single week, week in and week out is plenty.


Imagine if you lose 2.5 pounds of fat each and every week for the next 4 weeks. That would mean that just inside of a month you would lose 10 pounds of pure fat. Not weight, but fat. You will look sexier, feel healthier, and be a heck of a lot more confident.

And yes, people will notice. I guarantee it.

An example weekly cellulite goal: "I weight 152 pounds and have a 22% body fat measurement. That means that 33 pounds of me is fat. I want to lose 3 pounds of fat over the next week. This would bring my total fat poundage down to 30 pounds and my total weight to 149."

This is a good example of how to set a weekly goal for getting rid of cellulite. If this was your goal you would read it daily to remind your self of what you are trying to achieve.

You can get rid of all of your cellulite no matter where it is or how much you have... But it all starts by setting a cellulite goal and sticking with it.

If you liked this article about cellulite goals, then you love this information about how to get rid of cellulite...

Cellulite Surgery - Does Celluilte Removal Surgery Really Work?

With more than 90% of women being effected by cellulite at some point in their life, many turn to cellulite removal surgery to help them get rid of cellulite. Here's why you shouldn't.

I am sure that if you have cellulite one of the questions that goes along with wanting to know how to get rid of cellulite is, does cellulite removal surgery work is among them.

In this short bit of info I'd like to reveal to you that answer and why you shouldn't go get cellulite surgery.

Does Cellulite Surgery Work?

Yes, but at what cost?

You've probably seen shows like "Extreme Makeover" and Swan.

In these TV shows you see women who want to look better and go through tons of plastic surgery with some of the top surgeons in the world and amazing workouts with some of the best trainers in the country.

Many of the participants you see have cellulite, and one of the first things that you see the makeover specialist do is help them to get rid of this cellulite first through cellulite surgery, then through diet and exercise.

Most of the people who watch these shows only pay attention to the surgery part, and never the part where they have to work hand in hand with a nutritionist and a personal trainer for the results of surgery to work... to stick.

Most people never look at the fact that after surgery they have all of this ugly extra skin and have to undergo surgery to get rid of that also.

There is a lot of pain, money, and maintenance in going through with surgery, and if you don't know the natural way of getting rid of it, you will end up with more cellulite and more problems than before.

How To Use Nutrition to Help Get Rid Of Cellulite

After setting getting rid of cellulite goals, nutrition (or diet) is the first part of the physical equation in getting rid of cellulite. If you don't have the proper nutrition then you will sabotage any other action you take in getting rid of fat (cellulite).

Your cellulite diet should be high in protein to support lean muscle growth, low in fats, and have enough carbs to support energy needs for the day.

There should be no left over calories at the end of the day.

How To Use Workouts For Cellulite Elimination

Workouts for cellulite is the next part in the equation in getting rid of cellulite. Your workout should help you to create a daily calorie deficit while helping you to increase your metabolism by increasing the amount of lean body mass that you have.

Lean muscle is the key to increasing metabolism and getting rid of cellulite in those problem areas.


If you don't have consistency in creating a calorie deficit, building lean muscle, eating enough protein you won't get rid of cellulite. If you do, then you will get rid of it.

You can get rid of cellulite, but costly insane surgery is not the answer. Natural effective cellulite eliminating actions are.

If you thought this was some cool eye opening info about getting rid of cellulite, then you'll love this: Do This To Get Rid Of Cellulite

Cellulite Pills - Why Pills for Cellulite Don't Work

Everyone wants to get rid of cellulite fast and in many cases will do anything to do it. Sometimes that means taking cellulite pills to help. This information will help you to learn why pills for cellulite just don't work.

Do you think that cellulite pills work?

By work I mean do you believe that if you were to take a pill that claims to get rid of cellulite, do you think that it would get rid of cellulite?

Let me answer that real quick: No it would not!


Cellulite is fat!

This is key to understanding why a pill could never get rid of cellulite. Cellulite is excess fat. Over time if you continue to gain in fat you will gain in cellulite.

Cellulite is just the appearance of excess fat. If you get rid of fat then you get rid of cellulite.

Truth be told...

... there is no pill that will ever get rid of fat. If there were insurance companies would probably require it, if it were we wouldn't have this epidemic of obesity, because we could just pop the magic fat burning pill.

How To Really Raise Your Fat Burning Metabolism

...and no it's not with pills or cellulite surgery.

Most pills claim to raise your metabolism and because of this increase you will burn more calories.

But what I find funny is that the 3 real true ways of increasing your metabolism are increasing lean body mass, eating smaller more frequent meals, and increasing the function or your thyroid or hypothalamus glands.

These cellulite pills don't do any of these things so how can they increase your metabolism? Just because you feel an increase in "heat" doesn't mean that your metabolism is kicked up a notch or just because you have more "energy" from an increase in caffeine doesn't mean that your burning more fat.

Cellulite Pills are Costly

Even if you did get some type of help from a cellulite pill (which you won't) they are a costly way to get such a very minimal amount of help.

You can learn to get rid of cellulite for free.

The real way to get rid of cellulite is to create a calorie deficit while increasing or maintaining lean muscle mass (the real metabolism booster)!

Getting rid of cellulite is easy if you know and follow the right tips, and it doesn't start with cellulite pills, because they don't work.

If you want to learn how to really get rid of cellulite, then check out this site Do This To Get Rid Of Cellulite